Programming, Youth

Progressive Ag Safety Day

Statistics from those impacted by a farm-related injury or death are sobering. Many know someone who was impacted by a farm accident that in many cases could have been prevented. This is why I feel so passionately about conducting the Annual Progressive Safety Day each year. The Progressive Agriculture Foundation provides safety and health information to rural communities that need it, which is why I’ve teamed up with them. The mission of Progressive Agriculture Days is simple – to provide education, training, and resources to make farm and ranch life safer and healthier for children and their communities.


During the program’s first year, a total of 2,800 participants and volunteers were reached throughout the South and Midwest and now the program impacts close to 110,000 annually. To date, the program has impacted more than 1.6 million children and adults.

Current 1st through 6th graders are invited to attend Progressive Agriculture Safety Day on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds.  Youth will participate in a variety of events designed to help them be aware of safety in potentially hazardous situations such as electricity, emergencies, disability awareness, PTO demonstration, agricultural literacy, chemical look-alikes and others.  This year, each youth will walk away with their own first-aid kit. Registration and consent form is REQUIRED by all youth who participate. This can be found at or by stopping by the Extension Office in Geneva or Clay Center.

April 19th is early bird registrationat only $5 per child that includes a t-shirt, lunch, snack and goodie bag. After April 19th,  registration increases to $10 per youth in order to participate.

This event is conducted by Nebraska Extension in Fillmore/Clay Counties, Shickley and Fillmore Central FFA chapters, 4-H, WIFE, and Fillmore County Emergency Management. For more info or to register, call 402-759-3712 or email

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